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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Wdspoone IS Alive..........and getting soundly spanked! :(

A lot can change in a short period of time! As many who have followed my blog know, this is a reincarnation of a previous version. In that version, I blogged regularly and updated often. As many of you may also remember, things got pretty tough for me during the height of the recession. It didn't look like things would ever get better there for a while. It was, without a doubt, one of the toughest periods of my life......I nearly lost everything I had worked my whole life for! To top it all off, blogger/google/yahoo decided they were going to delete my blog for no apparent reason with no explanation and no warning! Around that time, I was offered a pretty good job. This job entailed extensive travel, travel that would demand a lot of my time on top of the time the job itself would require. I committed myself to continue blogging through it all figuring I would carry a laptop with me and blog from the various hotels at night. I was so naive! hehe First off, the internet connections at many hotels are horrible and secondly, the demands of the job itself had me wiped out at the end of each day. Days that, more often than not, started very early and ended very late not to mention, it takes me to some very cool places that I wouldn't normally travel to on my own. Along the way, I developed a strong interest in photography and bought some nice equipment which meant any free time I did have I spent out and about snapping pictures and editing them! :) I am still doing the same job and still enjoying it very much. If anything, my travel schedule has increased but, I am a bit more seasoned now and my destinations are not as new. I find I am traveling to the same places more and more so I don't get out to shoot pictures quite as much as I used to. This gives me a bit more time so, I am going to attempt to blog a little more often.....not as much as I once did but more often than I used to!

Another benefit of my blogging has been the awesome people I have come into contact with. People like all of minded people who I now find some opportunities to meet during my travels. I have also met a few ladies and as the result of my open and honest sharing of my experiences, interests and desires in this lifestyle, I have found myself back in the thick of things you might say? That said, going forward, I will blog about those encounters and share some pics, stories and video clips of them as well. Needless to say, my financial situation has rebounded ten fold and I have been able to purchase some technical equipment that has allowed me to retrieve some older video that I thought I had lost due to hardrive crashes. I didn't realize the amount of video I had and the quality in which I was able to retrieve it. That being the case, you, the reader will now see me in a way I had not previously revealed myself! One of the ladies who is in the videos I plan to share I met while writing this blog. She is a serious female disciplinarian whom I have benefited from greatly on a personal level. I have a world of respect for her as well as a genuine fear of going across her knee. I detest the many spankings she has administered however, as I have stated on so many occasions, I am so much better for them. In order to protect identities, I won't answer questions as to specifics of a personal nature and I reserve the right to be as vague as I please about any particular lady. I hope you can all respect that as I have no right to violate anyone's privacy.

The first group of clips I will share are retrieved ones. This is Miss Lisa, she is herself a serious female disciplinarian and she knew exactly how to handle me. In these clips, I still was not sure just how strict and stern she could be. By nature, I always test my limits and push the envelope as far as I can. Of course when it comes to women like this, I know this character trait of mine can lead to a punishment spanking but I just can't seem to stop myself? These clips were shot on a Saturday, Miss Lisa had to work that day and I was off. She woke me around 7am and instructed me to complete the list of household chores she left on the kitchen table. I am not a morning person and immediately got an attitude about being woken up so early and then being "told" to do housework! I already had a plan for my day off and it certainly didn't include getting up so early or doing work of any kind! It was a time of year where there were 4 major sports still in season and I had plans on relaxing and watching 3 of them on TV that day! Now, I fully admit to being disrespectful in my reply and behavior upon being woken up and given these "crazy" instructions! I also feel she could have overlooked it knowing how grumpy I can be in the morning however,

Miss Lisa is nothing if not consistent and she did not tolerate disrespect for any reason. I was still in bed and barely awake during the commission of my crime but I was jarred awake by the tone of her stern voice instructing me to "report" to the living room "immediately"! My heart was pounding and my face blushing in embarrassment as I scurried out of bed and out to the living room. Her "spanking chair" was already in the middle of the room as I arrived and she was taking her seat. I apologized profusely and offered the lame excuse of being half asleep neither of which phased her one bit. Once in the chair she pointed at the floor to her right side meaning I was to position myself there.....I knew the drill. The cheeks of my bottom were already tingling in anticipation of the sound spanking I knew was coming. I stood beside her in my underwear, trembling as I was lectured and scolded.  My eyes scanned the immediate area for an implement but I saw none. I was partially relieved at that discovery but only partially. I had been hand spanked on my bare bottom by this woman several times and it was no picnic, I was certain that a hand spanking first thing in the morning while I was barely awake would not be any easier. My "naughty bottom" (as she described it) was still a bit tender from a severe hairbrush spanking I had gotten a few days before as well. I was first spanked over my shear, thin underpants then on the bare. I was then sent to the corner while she finished getting ready for work. She then called me before her once again and I was lectured and "questioned". Sensing a lingering attitude, I was again taken across her knee for a second helping!

Below are several clips from the spanking I got that morning. I had to cut them up in short excerpts as blogger has a size limit. I am posting them in order with some at full speed and a few at slow speed to illustrate the force of the smacks as she lit my poor bottom on fire. Little did I know this was only the beginning of what would prove to be a very long day for me but more about that in later posts.


  1. Outstanding. Im happy for you, as well for a loyal band who never deleted your feed knowing that, some day...So glad your well and back to spread your good cheer.

  2. Thank you my friend! I am happy and grateful that you stuck around! I was surfing some old favorite blogs and saw many had deleted the link. :( Thank God, my old friend Ken at Spankedbymylady kept it on his list otherwise, I would have had a hard time finding my way back! lol

  3. HURRAY!!!!
    Its so good to see you post again. And thanks for the comment about me keeping your link. While I have culled a few inactive links I just can't bring myself to delete some of my old favorites and certainly yours is included in this category. In fact you are one of the reasons I started blogging, anyway.

    I really appreciate your videos and am so happy to hear that you may be doing more. And traveling does open up lots of opportunities to meet others and even set up 'sessions' with women who are not nearby. I had several awesome relationships with women I met while traveling on business.

    So please keep up the good work. Your are one of the 'rocks' of our lifestyle.
    Ken (and Cora, too)

  4. Thanks Ken and I really appreciate you keeping me up. I had to work through some issues regarding my schedule and how I was going to proceed (if I was going to proceed). I have a lot to talk about and a lot of original material to post so I should be updating more regularly. I am happy to see that you and the always wonderful Cora are still going strong! You guys are a special pair and I have always enjoyed reading your blog. Talk to you soon.

    Thanks everyone for your patients and loyalty. If anyone wants to update their link to this blog feel free to do so, some things have been changed and I see a lot of blogs have the wordpress link which was not a viable alternative as it turns out! :(
